目前分類:電影 (46)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
Went to Taipei Film House (台北光點)to see this movie on Sat.

I watch Italian films seldom,but i would recommned my friends to see this one,WHY?coz i can see two hotties in this film,ha~?

BTW, Martin went there with me (of course!!)I hope he can start to love and understand these kind of films from now on,hahaha~ 

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上次跟大家分享Evening 夜戀(很悶的一部片)

Atonement 贖罪也是一部悶悶片,但至少有我愛的綺拉奈特莉(yeah!平胸萬歲)

若我眼睛沒看錯,Evening 的老年女主角,就是Atonement 的老年妹妹(難怪這片那麼悶,同一個人嘛!!)

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I borrowed more DVDs from Blockbuster after i have their membership!

I watched the Golden Compass on last Sat. with my brother and sister,everyone knows i love the animals so this film truely caught my attention!!

After watching that film,i think the new series is coming soon,i will go to watch the series stright away of course.

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I read the book first, then i watched the DVD just !

Words are stronger then actions when you are into the plot, i think the words could catc my eye when i read it, but the film cant let me feel like the way!

Words can express more also you can put more in your brain to create your own story!!-Gosh,Kate is dreaming again! 吐舌頭

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Kate Huang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Adult's fairy tale,i felt shocked when i saw it,i like the plot also other parts in this film!不甘啜泣但有一點過於血腥喔!!


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