剛才打完 RUGBY回來

Kate居然興奮到睡不著要靠寫Blog來發洩! 害羞

今晚的練習, 讓 Kate格外興奮, 當然除了原班人馬的 Kate我,隊長 Johnna跟教練 Grant外

好久不見的 Angel跟 Jennifer也來了

Angel 也帶了新朋友Sunny

下週才開學的 Joy趁開學前來 practice活動筋骨, 帶了新朋友 Nina

moreover, Johnna在 facebook上搜尋到分別從西雅圖來的 Ahna跟加州來的 Tiffany (this girl is so FAST!)

今晚的練習, 讓 Kate特別有感覺!

相同的球場, always是我,Johnna跟 Grant守著

I dont mean i do a lot things for this team,or i help this team to do something great,

till now, the reason why i am still in Shebabs,just for a simple reason, just for the spirit,

i belong to this team, so....i keep practicing with this team!

No matter how far we gonna have this team, i will be here! (是怎樣?  寫的ㄌㄟ~ 吐舌頭 )

或許有些 girls理念跟 other girls不合,有人選擇 quit, 有人再也不回來這個每週二晚上8點到10點的rugby field!

But for me, i am so happy to have you girls coming back, also i am so happy to have more new players!

I am part of Shebabs, so are you!

Shebabs! GO GO GO!


Angel, welcome back~ you truly keep your words for me to come to practice tonite when we talked about PRACTICE on my Bday Dinner!紅唇

Jennifer, once you are not that busy at your job, come!紅唇


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