My manager J is gone,i think the reason why she quit the job is due to T--VP.
To be honest,i dont think T can be a VP,yes i know she is good at manfacture industry,otherwise she cannot be in the position........but i really dont like her personality.
Okay,lets talk about J,she is a good leader in our team and also in Bestec....,but VP used her usual way to blamed J,of course infront of ppl,i dont mean i dont care other ppl's eye,
is why i can stay here for over 1 year....i m just a basic staff,sometimes VP does it for me too....but for J,i think it is so bad...
Anyway,J quit it!!I just can say "Gud Luck for your future,J",also,i am thinking about my future career,is Bestec a suitable company for me????
