Adult's fairy tale,i felt shocked when i saw it,i like the plot also other parts in this film!

I watched this film with Eri when she was here in Taiwan with me,i think its a girls movie,nice plot...but i dont like the ending...both Eri and me feel that this ending doesnt make sense!But the characters are all good in this film.
Ha....its a film sales Will's body,the most part i love is the doggy in this film,that's it! I think the ending should be bettter or....add more drama inside! Will plays will in this film(not only his body!!)coz he needs to express the lonely, in the end of this film i thought it might be a happy ending......Will can marry another woman in his life.....but it is not....!!
It is the movies which are shocking and impressive!! It has very spectacular views in this film,看完後真想去蒙古看一看!!
This one is similar the first one,(of course,they are same films.)so i dont feel any surprises in it,but it has one more character who plays in another film--the Queen,so overall,even this one is similar the first one,but its also good!