接到久違的電話~ 行動電話

終於在過了好陣子, 請我代課的電話來了!! 是教文法~


也不知道怎麼說~ 但是, 心理, 就是很踏實, 也多了, 難得的好心情~


曾幾何時, 醬 teaching也是個快樂?


Due to the economy crisis, the language center cut my classes off.

The economy crisis expressed to everywhere! People have less budget to do anything, which included to improve their language skills.

Due to that cause, I have no classes so far after last Xmas~

Since then, I feel not well about my current career situation.

Why dont I feel happy?

The main reason is that my day time job sucks!

Thanks God to let me get my current day time job after the 7 months unemployed, I appreciated!

On contrast, this job cant offer me any desire I want in the Marketing field.

I try to apply for other jobs, however, it is still not a good time to find any, especially after the Press reported the news about the unemployment rate!

(Oops....the truth is that the unemployment rate is still high.勃然大怒 Even people can get the chance for interviews, the payment is still low!! )

Personal, I dont think the market is recoverying that well. Although people say that the business is getting better, not that much!

Meanwhile, I still struggling at finding more chances to leave here - my current career! 疑惑


鶴鶴~ 凱特難得的 "充實"以及好心情...

希望上帝給我力量到我去完日本啊~ 我要去 Osaka啦~ 眨眼睛

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