話說 Kate因為工作關係, 對一些 accommodation頗有要求~ 加上被老張的"花錢就是大爺心態"影響~

此次台中行, Kate可是做足功課for the accommodation~好了,屁話不多說~直接切入-台中天閣

基本上位於台北南西附近的天閣, Kate去年有跟他們接洽~但是侷限他們算是商務旅店不是飯店, 所以去年 Kate是選擇Caesar 凱薩飯店作活動~想不到今年跟老張去台中~竟然在易飛網上看到 Tango的好康房價~立刻給他刷卡訂下去! (BTW,Kate發現,易飛網給的價錢, 比跟 PL與飯店的簽約價還划算耶~ PL跟那些飯店簽啥約啊?  上易飛網就好啦 哈哈~)

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Martin has been so busy for Dell's project, however he finally finished a part of that project, so we could have time tp travel down to Taichung, when he drove from the freeway down to Taichung city, he directly took me to a very nice exotic restaurant- Davy Jones' Locker 大衛瓊斯的箱子 04-22513988 地址:台中市西屯區市政北一路1號2樓(文心路與市政北一路交叉口)

They have live band there and that restaurant fills of romantic amtosphere~anyway, its definitelly Kate's style~ haha~, and on Friday night Martin and me enjoyed 2 different groups' show but we couldnt stay long coz when we arrived there, its already 10:30 PM, so what did we do is that we ordered one of "MOST ORDER" dishes and enjoyed some show and...left~...

About the food, to be honest, the price is costy,BUT,Martin would like to recommend "DJ sea food", if you wanna order that dish, remember also order a bottle of beer~OMG,so nice!

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Kate 是便當族, 我的中餐就是吃媽媽準備的愛心便當或是我自己會做簡單三明治或我只吃 fruits吃到飽~ 省錢省錢!! 錢 錢 錢

凱特不常外食, 但是 Kate有雙重標準, 這麼說好了, Kate只是不吃街邊食物, 換言之, Kate不吃大腸麵線, 香雞排, 滷味....因為 Kate覺得不衛生&油&其實吃不飽又浪費錢! 但若帶  Kate上館子吃, Kate又特愛, 尤其是異國的料理披薩 (不過我不要看起來髒髒的館子, 台灣一堆館子廚房是幾百年沒洗啊?OMG 勃然大怒 )

我覺得我打再多的球, 跳再多的舞, ,作再多正常的息~

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暨凱哥失業後, 凱哥好友~於Ben Q 上班的阿帆哥哥也被裁員! 傷心

而我的好友Julie本身以及Julie的一些姐妹, 不是被強迫休假 (當然不給薪) 就是減薪

凱特另一好友 - 雅雯, 今天MSN 敲我,她說她要被減 30%薪水, OMG, 30%很多好嗎?

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老張無法隨時隨地陪在凱特身邊 害羞

每到此時, 就想到可以慰藉凱特空虛心靈的小可愛 - 拿鐵!小狗 以及拿鐵的朋友跟同學們

這天拿鐵麻開車來萬隆 MRT接凱特後, 我們 2人1狗,就往碧潭"狗吧"出發囉~

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若是講到"政治", 還好老張跟凱特的家都是"深藍"

這天, 晚上要去老張家~ 白天給他來讓民主洗禮一下~ (他媽的民主? A那麼多錢, 民主ㄌㄟ?勃然大怒 )

Anyway~ 來到中正紀唸念堂囉~ 來到這就想到外公, Kate小時候媽媽, 我, 哥,外公, 外婆, 阿慶, 最愛來這了~

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Girls like to talk,like to have a nice meal with other girl friends, so do Angle and i~

We havent spent time with each other for ages, after we met in the BM for the baseball game last month, we finaly made the appointment to meet in Shida~

I decided to come in this shop - Jerry's Kitchen!!  This shop opened in this July, the food is nice and after 9PM everynite, the shop turns to be lounge bar,sounds nice, rite? So please come over if you like this kind of style~ (Jerry's Kitchen : 8369-2696)

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昨天休假~跟 Winnie相約去看電影 -The Woman

有 Sex&The City的影子,劇情一樣是演四個好友的友情,愛情,事業....當然有很多女性看了會會心一笑的橋段,十足的女性主義電影~影片膠捲

也不是說好不好看,但全片還真的看不到一個男演員優~ Kate感覺不大習慣呢!!

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說是感恩節餐會, 其實是為了黃金先生,他要離開培生了~ 目瞪口呆


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凱哥失業了~ 目瞪口呆 凱哥是凱特家最會賺錢的, 但他失業了~ 唉!  景氣差啦~ 我只能說, 薪水越高的, 死的越快~ 啊像我們這種, 賺的不多, 但賺了也吃不飽的, 好像比較安全.....

因此今天凱媽一早就請凱特上網查有關紅玫瑰大溪花園農場紅玫瑰的資訊, 中午吃完午飯~ 就給他出發了~

一來很久沒跟凱哥一起出來,去戶外看他心情會不會好一點, 二來也帶凱奶走走囉~

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