In last Saturday noon i decided to show Martin the Brass Monkey~ why? coz i want him to know my rugby world also i want him to know some of my teammates.
So we met some of my friends, Elsa, Mark, Angel and Alisa, well, to be honest, even for me, its hard to meet these ppl coz i was away for these knids of activities for a while, the reason is for my surgery, but now i am recover, so i will join more and more this kind of things from now on!!
Game, Wine, Chips, hahaha~ 

Anyway, Martin went to Bestec first in Saturday morning and he took me up from my place, then we parked near Shida branch and took bus to.... hospital, its my previous work place beofe i worked for Chantell, and we had noodles (my favorite ) near the hospital and a little walk in the Dian Park!!
See, its a nice tour, as for Martin, he drives all the time, so he was happy to walk and to look around the city without drive, of course the reason is because of ME~ 

Kate is always around him la~
Martin is here for the game~
Happy 40th B'day, Mark 

Alsa & Kate~