凱特真是幸運~ 又到了跟馬丁乖的約會日~ 微笑

先來說說凱特多好運~ 紅玫瑰紅玫瑰紅玫瑰

前一天講電話, 凱特就說這天約會要 "湯湯水水"~ 行動電話

一來是凱特本人超愛湯湯水水 ( 請叫我尼斯湖水怪 );

二來是因為凱特好像因為天氣關係, 有一點快要酷酷掃了~


這天跟阿乖還是約在西門町, 一見到阿乖, 凱特就知道 ....."不妙"


傻頭老張只是在網路上打關鍵字, 搜尋說啥西門 MRT 6號 EXIT出來有一家鍋大爺, but沒記地址也沒記電話,當然找不到

雖然老張在凱特面前打了104 to check~ 但是人家說查無此店啦 行動電話

凱特穿著一身西裝加上高跟鞋已經氣嘟嘟, 這時天空又飄雨, 沒帶傘的兩個傻蛋在西門町裡走來走去, 要找火鍋店...


後來, 老張眼尖看到一家裝潢不賴的店, 一進去看, 一個人要 NTD 400多耶~ so expensive!!!!!

但是阿乖就說吃吧~ 哪一家咧???


請看清~ 服務很佳...眨眼睛                                                      當然啦, "有附鍋" 這天是泡菜鍋以及海鮮鍋~




老張怎麼沒叫凱特去點一碗滷肉飯去吃飽就好了妳~ 凱特真是爽耶!! 眨眼睛

老張那麼疼凱特?? 凱特真是幸運耶.......

( 因為 BLOG要說點老張好話, 幫老張作面子, 不然會被排擠~ 哈哈哈! )


那給一張阿乖吃到一半的呆樣照好了~ Kate 不是才說要幫老張作面子?? 怎麼居然讓阿乖邊吃飯邊發呆照外流? 哈哈哈~ 



Although the Moon Festival just past, but Martin and me still felt ok to have the meat dish last night~

This shop is nice, and famous for the wonderful service i think.

When Martin and me had dinner here last night, we almost didnt need to cook the meat by ourselves, the waiters were coming to help us when we needed more food!

But the waiters told us that sometimes they face the little number customers dont want the waiters' support, these customers ask the waiters leave them alone~ so i think this kind of SERVICE isnt suitable for every customer~

However,for me, I did enjoy this big meal and wonderful night with Martin lo~ 紅唇
    創作者 Kate Huang 的頭像
    Kate Huang

    Kate's Land

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