目前分類:異國料理 (114)

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I met Peggie yesterday noon in GB, a Western restaurant that i wanted to go for a long time~

When i was there, maybe the time wasnt right, (not for lunch or dinne reither)

Firstly,i didnt see any SPECIAL meals there. (OMG, Kate, are you talking about SPECIAL FOOD?)

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白天去開戶, 定存囉!!

我想要多存錢 & 賺錢~~

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老張已於日前飛往上海~ 疑惑 Kate相思病開始發作, 哈哈!

但是, 忙碌規忙碌, 還是要放鬆一下的啦~

週五來到 岠芯餐廳again, ㄟˊ,不是說好不吃這家了? 原來是上次跟老蔣他們聚餐後,有面值NTD400的優惠卷, 所以就再度光顧囉!

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今天一早來就趕緊校對 2009新目錄 (是的 2009 "新目錄"啊到現在還在校對, 都幾月了?)

校對到一半, 又要 update PL的官網,

不然就是哪一個 presenter要請款,

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話說昨天 Kate為老張 &他的3位好友信誓旦旦準備一個很棒 tour

有多棒? 就是我們 4對先吃晚餐, 吃完後男生去打撞球放放風, 至於女生就跟著 Kate到 Bliss玩

一來大家都可以聚在一起, 二來男生女生各自也都很 high~

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老張沒跟到唱歌攤, 所以特別拉出另一攤給可愛凱特~ (我看要是他沒拉, Kate應該又會不跟他說話, 哈哈哈~)


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凱特最愛的老張給凱特的生日濕背秀~ 是啥ㄌㄟ?

好啦 !!好啦!! 我要說囉~

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Last nite Martin and me went to have our first Xmas dinner in Mary's~  咖啡杯 & 披薩 (BTW, Mary's provieds OZ style food~)

Yes, we did change the presents 綁蝴蝶結的禮物 Martin gave me a panda doll since Kong Fu Panda is our first film, so the panda doll is meanful for me~

I gave him 3 different little presents, i would like to keep that secret here~ 害羞

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Martin has been so busy for Dell's project, however he finally finished a part of that project, so we could have time tp travel down to Taichung, when he drove from the freeway down to Taichung city, he directly took me to a very nice exotic restaurant- Davy Jones' Locker 大衛瓊斯的箱子 04-22513988 地址:台中市西屯區市政北一路1號2樓(文心路與市政北一路交叉口)

They have live band there and that restaurant fills of romantic amtosphere~anyway, its definitelly Kate's style~ haha~, and on Friday night Martin and me enjoyed 2 different groups' show but we couldnt stay long coz when we arrived there, its already 10:30 PM, so what did we do is that we ordered one of "MOST ORDER" dishes and enjoyed some show and...left~...

About the food, to be honest, the price is costy,BUT,Martin would like to recommend "DJ sea food", if you wanna order that dish, remember also order a bottle of beer~OMG,so nice!

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Kate 是便當族, 我的中餐就是吃媽媽準備的愛心便當或是我自己會做簡單三明治或我只吃 fruits吃到飽~ 省錢省錢!! 錢 錢 錢

凱特不常外食, 但是 Kate有雙重標準, 這麼說好了, Kate只是不吃街邊食物, 換言之, Kate不吃大腸麵線, 香雞排, 滷味....因為 Kate覺得不衛生&油&其實吃不飽又浪費錢! 但若帶  Kate上館子吃, Kate又特愛, 尤其是異國的料理披薩 (不過我不要看起來髒髒的館子, 台灣一堆館子廚房是幾百年沒洗啊?OMG 勃然大怒 )

我覺得我打再多的球, 跳再多的舞, ,作再多正常的息~

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Girls like to talk,like to have a nice meal with other girl friends, so do Angle and i~

We havent spent time with each other for ages, after we met in the BM for the baseball game last month, we finaly made the appointment to meet in Shida~

I decided to come in this shop - Jerry's Kitchen!!  This shop opened in this July, the food is nice and after 9PM everynite, the shop turns to be lounge bar,sounds nice, rite? So please come over if you like this kind of style~ (Jerry's Kitchen : 8369-2696)

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繼 10/22 貴秋婚禮後, 凱特又再度跟老張好友見面囉~

( 唉~ 貴秋婚禮資訊請等 Peggie 給我啊,  凱特的不見了~ 目瞪口呆 )

一樣約在 BM, 老張約的囉 ~ 因為他約大家來喝 "男人的酒 -  建力士"

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Taichung~ one of my favorite cities in Taiwan~

Martin and me love there~ we might move to there if...you knoiw, in the future,ha...吐舌頭

When i was on my bisiness trip to Taichung on 11/8, Eunice took me to a nice Mexican restanrant~ wow~ i love the food there!! 披薩

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