老張目前因為 Dell 案子加班到沒眠沒日, 凱特目前工作算是淡季, 所以 office生活除了基本 paper work, 其餘還算清幽~

但是凱特最近接連的跟老張3 天一小該,5 天一大該, 搞的凱特自己都煩了~ 勃然大怒

到底個性是差多少?  到底是要摩合多久?

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今天 Kate 請客~ 動畫快遞 到了大溪的富田花園農場~ (之前有偶像劇在這拍, 但 Kate不看電視, 所以不知道哪一齣~) 但是Kate還是覺得薰衣草森林河岸森林比較好~ 凱爸跟凱媽很開心囉~ 凱奶依照慣例跟大家上車下車, 哈哈~

以下是他們開心的 fotos~

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Kate 爸最近又再動歪腦筋~ 現在在 Kate 家的田裡開著的是向日葵~ sun flower~ 棕櫚樹小島棕櫚樹小島棕櫚樹小島 

當然目前還有茶樹, 松樹, 柏樹, 橘子樹, 柚子樹, 辣椒, 韭菜, 蔥, 蒜,.....以及一些凱特根本看不懂的菜~

基本上 Kate爸平常已經因為布市的 business 繁忙, Kate不知道 Kate爸是哪來的衝勁種植一堆有的沒的, 前幾年是種植了 100 棵的 lemon trees, 今年過年是種植了大約 400 株左右的松樹&柏樹~不孝的 Kate 兄妹三人完全沒幫忙 ~  好像家裡的田跟我們完全沒關係一樣 吐舌頭

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Kate is back for what?

Of course for rugby~  動畫快遞 i was away my rugby team for the surgery for aboout 8 weeks,and now i am back~

Today the weather was nice and i went to Bailin to practice touch with Shebabs, coz we will have a big game on 11/29 next week~

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繼 10/22 貴秋婚禮後, 凱特又再度跟老張好友見面囉~

( 唉~ 貴秋婚禮資訊請等 Peggie 給我啊,  凱特的不見了~ 目瞪口呆 )

一樣約在 BM, 老張約的囉 ~ 因為他約大家來喝 "男人的酒 -  建力士"

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In last Saturday noon i decided to show Martin the Brass Monkey~ why? coz i want him to know my rugby world also i want him to know some of my teammates.

So we met some of my friends, Elsa, Mark, Angel and Alisa, well, to be honest, even for me, its hard to meet these ppl coz i was away for these knids of activities for a while, the reason is for my surgery, but now i am recover, so i will join more and more this kind of things from now on!!

Game, Wine, Chips, hahaha~ 披薩

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Last Friday we had a nice BBQ party in 五股, its a long time that i hadnt met Dershin and other Bestec coworkers~ so far they are all good!!

here are some fotos from the BBQ party-水漥碳烤


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Taichung~ one of my favorite cities in Taiwan~

Martin and me love there~ we might move to there if...you knoiw, in the future,ha...吐舌頭

When i was on my bisiness trip to Taichung on 11/8, Eunice took me to a nice Mexican restanrant~ wow~ i love the food there!! 披薩

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11/17晚上有獅子座流星雨~ 星星星星星星

11/21晚上也有流星雨~ 星星星星星星

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